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Preventing cold weather Asthma

With the onset of very cold weather,

it's a good idea to make sure you and your friends and family know what to do if you have an asthma attack.

The key signs are:

  • coughing more than usual

  • getting short of breath

  • wheezing

  • feeling a tightness in your chest

  • having difficulty speaking in full sentence

Some tips on preventing cold weather asthma symptoms

  1. Keep taking your regular preventer medicines as prescribed by your doctor.

  2. Keep your blue reliever inhaler with you at all times.

  3. If you find you are using your inhaler more often than usual, ask for a medication review.

  4. Wrap up well and wear a scarf over your nose and mouth – this will help to warm up the air before you breathe it in.

  5. Take extra care when exercising in cold weather. Warm up for 10-15 minutes and ask your doctor if they suggest taking one or two puffs of your reliever inhaler before you start.


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